Providing Data

The WebCOOS project supports ingesting image and video data from camera devices (device ingestion) and analyses performed on the image and video camera data (analysis product ingestion).

This guide will provide a high-level overview of where to get started with integrating a camera or analysis product with the WebCOOS data infrastructure.

Media Ingestion

The WebCOOS project supports the following ingestion pathways for camera devices producing images and/or videos:

RTSP and RTMP Streaming

The WebCOOS project supports the ingestion of real-time video stream data from devices that support RTSP (Real Time Streaming Protocol) or RTMP (Real Time Messaging Protocol). These protocols allow Axiom to capture a live video stream, which can then be reused to produce the following:

  • Archived, timestamped 10 minute long video files captured from the captured video stream, which can be re-formatted, compressed, or otherwise transformed to suit data consumers. These video files are archived in the WebCOOS data system and made available through the WebCOOS distribution APIs and website.

  • Archived, timestamped images files taken every minute from the captured video stream. These image files are archived in the WebCOOS data system and made available through the WebCOOS distribution APIs and website.

  • Streamed, live video consumable by adaptive streaming clients (video playing devices that can detect and choose the best video quality for their hardware and bandwidth). WebCOOS offers streaming in HLS and DASH for every camera device stream being captured. The streaming video from the feeds can be viewed in the WebCOOS website or integrated easily with external applications and websites.

See the requirements section for Streaming to start identifying the necessary information for RTSP stream ingestion.

If you have an RTSP or RTMP-enabled camera that you would like to integrate with the WebCOOS data system please get in touch!

S3 Uploading

The WebCOOS project supports the ingestion of video clips or still images from data providers. Providers can upload video clips of any length (i.e. 10 minute intervals) and still images from a camera taken at any frequency (i.e. every 15 minutes). These video and image files are archived in the WebCOOS data system and made available through the WebCOOS distribution APIs and website. This type of data ingestion is best for historical cameras no longer producing data or cameras that need to store data locally on the device or server and upload periodically due to bandwidth issues at the install location.

Uploads made to WebCOOS are done through a S3 API. In addition to some vendor cameras supporting uploading directly to an S3 API out-of-the-box, WebCOOS can provide example programs to assist in the upload of archive video and image data.

See the requirements for Uploading to start identifying the necessary information for RTSP stream ingestion.

If you have video or image files from cameras you would like to upload into the WebCOOS data system please get in touch!

External S3 Indexing

If you have a large collection of image or video data already under your management and have the ability to host it through an S3 compatible API, WebCOOS may be able to externally index all of your video and image data and provide access to it through the WebCOOS data system. Please see the requirements for External Indexing and get in touch for more information!

Analysis Product Ingestion

WebCOOS support ingesting analysis products of three types: media (images/videos), time-series data, and object detection data.

Image / Video

Similar to Media Ingestion, analysis products can be ingested into WebCOOS as images and videos by uploading them via an S3 API or providing WebCOOS an external S3 endpoint to access and index.

Please see the requirements for Devices, Uploading, Indexing, and get in touch for more information!


If you analysis produces time-series like data, WebCOOS can ingest the results. Time-series data submitted to WebCOOS is made available through a filterable API.


Time-series data must be anchored at an existing WebCOOS asset and therefore have a static location (latitude, longitude) and height.

To submit time-series data to WebCOOS, it must be in the JSON Lines file format and each line in the files must adhere to the WebCOOS time-series JSON schema as follows:

    "uid":  str,     # unique ID of the time-series
    "type":  str,    # measurement, count, action, or flag
    "param": str,    # CF standard name (if possible)
    "time":  str,    # datetime (ISO8601)
    "unit":  str,    # UCUM compatible string
    "tags":  [str],  # namespaced tags
    "value": float,  # data value




A unique string assigned to your specific time-series data. This value is for you to use to establish uniqueness of each submitted time-series. A combination of the uid, type, param, and time determines the uniqueness of a record. In most cases it makes sense to set this to the WebCOOS asset’s slug your time-series is associated with, but that is not required as we can obtain that information for the upload folder structure.


The type of time-series measurement this is. measurement: a measured time-series value (i.e. temperature). In this case, the unit field needs to be populated and the tags field will be ignored. count: a count, often used to track object detections. Use the param field to track what you are counting in addition to the tags field to create additional tags as needed. Keep in mind how WebCOOS determines unique time-series when submitting your data. action: an occurrence of something, (i.e. car entering parking lot). These types of measurements are often not useful without additional tags. The value can be used for your own purposes when the type is action. flag: a notification flag that some threshold in a system has been reached. The value field is required to be an integer between 1 and 10 to track the severity of the flag. These severity flags can be treated differently (i.e. a severity of 1 can mean different things for rip currents and wave run up).


A string describing the parameter that was measured. For measurements: a CF Standard Name. If not, use the same term when submitting data for the same parameters across all of WebCOOS, action: this is the verb of what happened (i.e. entrance), flag: The flag you are defining (i.e. rip_current_severity), count: A term describing the object you are counting. A tag will be automatically created as object:type:[param] for you and you don’t need to redefine this tag in the data.


An ISO8601 datetime string describing the instantaneous time of the measurement of occurrence.


Only used when type is measurement. A UCUM compatible units string.


Tags can be used to identify objects or other features you would like to query on through the WebCOOS API in the future. For example, if you have identified a specific object in your analysis and track it over multiple inputs, you can tag each time-series value as pertaining to that object. (i.e. object:type:car:id:551 or object:type:entrance:id:46). Please namespace all tags so there are no conflicts in the system! Thing1 is not a good tag!


The numeric value of the time-series data.



Water Depth. The uid is set to rosemontpeonie:wl_sensor_1 to capture the idea that there may be one than one measurement of the same type and param at this location.

    "uid": "rosemontpeonie:wl_sensor_1",
    "time": "2022-09-29T13:00:00Z",
    "type": "measurement",
    "param": "height_between_sensor_and_water_surface",
    "unit": "cm",
    "value": 275.2
    "uid": "rosemontpeonie:wl_sensor_1",
    "time": "2022-09-29T14:00:00Z",
    "type": "measurement",
    "param": "height_between_sensor_and_water_surface",
    "unit": "cm",
    "value": 313.4

Severity of a rip current and wave run up event

    "uid": "currituck_sailfish",
    "time": "2022-09-29T13:00:00Z",
    "type": "flag",
    "param": "rip_current_severity",
    "value": 3
    "uid": "currituck_sailfish",
    "time": "2022-09-29T14:00:00Z",
    "type": "flag",
    "param": "rip_current_severity",
    "value": 1
    "uid": "currituck_sailfish",
    "time": "2022-09-29T14:00:00Z",
    "type": "flag",
    "param": "wave_run_up",
    "value": 2

Car Actions

    "uid": "north_inlet",
    "time": "2022-09-29T13:00:00Z",
    "type": "action",
    "param": "entrance",
    "tags": [
    "value": 1
    "uid": "north_inlet",
    "time": "2022-09-29T14:00:00Z",
    "type": "action",
    "param": "exit",
    "tags": [
    "value": 1

People Counting

    "uid": "follypiersouthcam",
    "time": "2022-09-29T13:00:00Z",
    "type": "count",
    "param": "person",
    "value": 4
    "uid": "follypiersouthcam",
    "time": "2022-09-29T14:00:00Z",
    "type": "count",
    "param": "person",
    "value": 2

Bird Counting. The param is set to gull because the unique timeseries feed will be defined as [uid]:[type][param] in WebCOOS (follypiersouthcam:count:gull). If the param was bird and you counted more than one species of bird, the time-series records of follypiersouthcam:count:bird would overwrite each other for each species that was counted at the same time. The below will give you the ability to count many different species of birds and they will be queryable through the object:type:bird tag in the WebCOOS API.

    "uid": "follypiersouthcam",
    "time": "2022-09-29T13:00:00Z",
    "type": "count",
    "param": "gull",
    "tags": [
    "value": 4
    "uid": "follypiersouthcam",
    "time": "2022-09-29T13:00:00Z",
    "type": "count",
    "param": "sparrow",
    "tags": [
    "value": 7

Object Detections

WebCOOS can accept object detection results in the form of COCO formatted JSON documents. Each COCO formatted analysis result must reference the public WebCOOS URL that the image or video is accessible from. This is so WebCOOS can piece back together the original image and the analysis results to produce visualization products and so the analysis is assigned to a specific image and video internally.


If you are not familiar with the COCO data format we recommend watching and read this tutorial. The below information assumes you have a basic understanding of the format!

Rip Current Detection

This rip detection example annotates :

  • (2) segments identified as rip currents

  • the bbox of both areas

  • the keypoints of all of the rip detections

    "info": {
        "year": "2022",
        "version": "1",
        "description": "RipFlow",
        "contributor": "Alex Pang",
        "url": "",
        "date_created": "2020-11-14T00:00:00+00:00"
    "categories": [
            "id": 0,
            "name": "ripcurrent",
            "supercategory": "none"
    "annotations": [
            "id": 0,
            "image_id": 0,
            "category_id": 0,

            // This defines polygons that identify the areas rip currents have been detected
            // Optional. List of points that define the shape of the object
            // i.e. the bounding polygon, drawn in order and shaded in.
            // Array of 2X (x, y) pixels.
            "segmentation": [
                    45, 2,
                    48, 10,
                    48, 4,
                    45, 2
                // Can be split into multiple polygons if need be
                    48, 4,
                    55, 10,
                    55, 3,
                    48, 4

            // Required. BBox around the deteced object.
            "bbox": [
                45, // top left x pixel
                2,  // top left y
                10, // width
                20  // height

            // Area of the segmentation polygons (if exists) or bbox, in pixels
            "area": 200,

            // 0=single, 1=group
            "iscrowd": 0,

            // This defines the points within the image that rip currents have
            // been detected.
            // Array of 3X:  (x, y, visible flag)
            // where the visible flag is:
            //   0: not labeled
            //   1: labeled but not visible
            //   2: labeled and visible
            "keypoints": [
                45,  2, 2,
                46,  4, 2,
                48, 10, 2,
                46,  7, 2

            "num_keypoints": 4
        // Captions can be added as annotations as needed
            "id": 1,
            "image_id": 0,
            "caption": "This is a rip!"
    "images": [
            "id": 0,
            "license": 1,
            "width": 1200,
            "height": 800,
            "file_name": "currituck_hampton_inn-2022-11-16-141239Z.jpg",
            "date_captured": "2022-11-16T14:12:39+00:00",
            "flickr_url": ""
    "licenses": [
            "id": 1,
            "url": "",
            "name": "Public Domain"

Referencing Video Frames

By default, COCO does not support annotating videos. WebCOOS is allowing a small changes to the COCO data format to support referencing a specific image frame contained in a video. In each image definition, you may include a value for frame which indicates that all annotations that reference that image block are referencing that specific frame inside of the video. The images block can be defined to capture analysis from many frames in a video:

    // ...
    "images": [
            "id": 0,
            "license": 1,
            "width": 1200,
            "height": 800,
            "file_name": "buxtoncoastalcam.2020-12-11_1400.mp4",
            "date_captured": "2020-12-11T18:00:00+00:00",
            "flickr_url": "",
            "frame": 30
            "id": 1,
            "license": 1,
            "width": 1200,
            "height": 800,
            "file_name": "buxtoncoastalcam.2020-12-11_1400.mp4",
            "date_captured": "2020-12-11T18:00:00+00:00",
            "flickr_url": "",
            "frame": 573
    // ...